Sunday 20 September 2015

Strawberry Season

I had to pick up a couple of things at the supermarket and strawberries were out on special Two punnets for $3, I couldn't go past that so I added two to my arms and carefully made my way to the checkout.

 I only needed a couple of things so of course I didn't get a trolley or a basket, just piled into my arms, the two lots of strawberries perched on top until I could put them down on the counter.

Bigger punnets than usual, I picked up the one on the right with the larger ones and turned them over to check if the berries were solid on the bottom or a bit swishy. They were fine and I didn't turn the second one over did I? Dumb move! 

Some of the smaller ones did have some bits that needed to be cut out, they would not have lasted another day.
I decided to make some ice cream, very easy with Annie, so cut off the stems and yucky bits, the rest of the yoghurt and a tub of sour cream, fifteen seconds and I have two big bowls of ice cream.
I did add a cup of blue berries from the freezer which gave it a purply look rather red. We had some last night over kiwi fruit. This amount should last us a week or more, it has gone rather rock solid so need to remove from the freezer about 30 minutes before I want to serve it.

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