Wednesday 23 September 2015


On the way to Strahan via Hamilton Tasmania.
Very green and hilly, this was taken about 5pm and we had decided to stay in the next township as we didn't want to be on an unfamiliar road after dark.
This was the inn where we stayed, we had the middle attic window. The funny thing was there was no key to our room or we weren't given a key but it did lock from the inside. Besides the couple who ran it there were two others guys who dined there and they were staying there as well and working at a mine nearby. They expected to be gone by the end of the week.

Continental breakfast was supplied and was in a room off the bar but we didn't see any one this morning, there was a note on the door to lock up when leaving. After paying for our meal last night and two rum and cokes (as we were in a bar I decided to have a drink) they were UDL, rum and coke premixed in a can. We were told if we wanted any more just help ourselves and settle up in the morning. One of those is more than enough for me!  
This was our room, I'm glad that we aren't tall or we may have hit our head when we sat up.

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