Tuesday 22 September 2015


We left home this morning bound for Tassie for a few days. Warren seemed to think that my roll on suitcase was too big to used as carry on and convinced me to use a bag that we were given years ago when we first went overseas. It is a handy size and was suitable for what I wanted to bring weighing 6 kgs but with no wheels, that 6 kgs sure gets heavy after awhile. I told him that I was going to buy a wheelie case in the next available place and did he want one too. He said he did.

We left giving ourselves double time to get to the airport or the car parking place, just as well as we were bumper to bumper in some parts. Had coffee at the airport and then discovered our flight was delayed, arriving in Melbourne with just enough time to get our boarding passes and line up to go on board. We should have have time to have lunch instead we had to settle for a muffin and coffee on the plane to Hobart.

Our car was waiting for us at Hobart airport, a brand spanking gold one with 2.1 kms on the clock. We took across to the west but the roads got a bit windy and getting dusk so we stopped for the night at a very small Inn. Four flights of stairs and we arrive at our room luckily the flights didn't have many stairs in them.

It is a very old building with 88 people in residence (township)one doorway is about fifteen inches thick or around 38/40 cms. Dinner was good we shared a seafood basket as we had the late snack on the plane.

Countryside is green and lush with trees right up to the roadside, it reminded us of driving through New Zealand. It is very cold though, colder than we expected, i think it is the chill factor. As we drove here, we were alongside of the river/inlet and there were heaps of black swans but too far away to take any photos.

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