Saturday 19 September 2015

Salad days

Warmer weather brings salad and I bought some great looking ham this morning. We had to go to the shopping centre to activate our new bank cards. Yep, bank came through and we now have new cards.

Great ham deserves great salads so using Annie (thermo) I made a beetroot salad using tin of beetroot, a carrot, apple and spinach. Tasted good but the colour was not as fresh and clean looking as I wanted. The green of the spinach gave it a dull look. Then I thought I might as well make a potato salad using Annie, so I put in an onion and when that was minced I added about four potatoes cut into cubes. I intended to use Annie to cook them not to cut them. I added about a cup of water and used 80 degree heat and somewhere along the way I did press the reverse button which means it would not chop.

Hummm, except that I think I changed something which took off the reverse command. I ended up with definite mush and it tasted yuk or rather like very watery cooked potatoes, nothing like what I had in mind. I added some parm cheese but no, it had to go out in the bin. I ended up using a saucepan and doing it the old fashioned way.

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