Tuesday 15 September 2015

New Prime Minister

We woke up this morning to hear that we had a new Prime Minister. Not sure how long Tony Abbott has been there but many people obviously thought too long. He had made some silly statements over the time that he was there. Last week having a good laugh about climate change which was caught on camera and from a boom mike. Definitely not good form.

I have also liked Joe Hockey, current Treasurer, although he made a stupid statement last night. He said that the people's preferred prime Minister was Tony Abbott and that's how it should stay. Well, we the people don't get to vote for the PM only the members of Parliament vote for the leader (PM).

Malcolm Turnbull has been selected to take the reins from sometime last night. I have always thought that Joe or Malcolm would make a better PM than Tony but we will have to see what happens. It is possible that Joe who appears to be in Tony's camp may lose his job as Treasurer.

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