Monday 21 September 2015

Colouring for Adults

Well after talking with several people, I bought a book and pencils on Thursday night.

There are some small ones like these. The book was $10 and pencils $4 and I did buy some textas for $6 on Saturday when I had to be at the shopping centre in regards to banking.
This was the first one that I did with coloured pencils.
Some are on black paper.
This one is done using textas, brighter colours, I have a bit to finish with the blue and that will do I think.
This book is just patterns no suggestions for colours which is good. A workmate says she just does the next one that she opens the page at, she doesn't flick through and choose and I think that's a good idea. 
Its quite relaxing and I can do it while watching TV, usually during the ads, its a change from knitting. In four days I have done three and there is about 40 pages in the book so pretty cheap hobby.I am amazed at the people who are or have been colouring.
One of the teachers at school took some copies in for the last class and about a third of the class chose to colour animals and they looked stunning, far better than mine. One boy 14 was doing an owl in oranges and browns, it was coming along fine, he took it home to finish.

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