Tuesday 15 September 2015

A nasty nasty thing happened over the weekend

I have been collecting money for our (Red Hats) bus trip that is coming up next month. Today being the first free day that I have had for awhile, I decided to go and pay it, although need to sign paperwork so I paid the bus company a visit. I paid using my credit card and put the cash into my account.

Not my favorite thing, collecting money, especially if it is not mine but I must say our group is really good about paying up and I do have them trained now, to give me money one at a time. We dont do a receipt book as we don't take that much money instead we just use a members list and I make sure that I mark off the person's name as paid before talking to anyone else. Thankfully the money and people all married up.

I was transferring money from my account to the credit card and saw that there was $3200 pending! What! should only have been the bus trip money and possibly a little more as Warren had filed the jeep so not more than a thousand. I did some research and discovered that on Saturday night there was a transaction put through from a travel agent!!!!! I rang Warren to ask if he had planned and pay for a surprise trip. I didn't think so but needed to ask, he said no and to ring the bank straight away.

Luckily they did take my call as even though the account is in joint names, he is the primary holder. They have cancelled our cards and will issue new ones and have to wait until the transaction goes through before they can do any thing more. Thank goodness I did check, sometimes it could be two weeks between us checking our accounts on-line.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Vicki - you cancelled Sherrols and my trip to Eastern Canada that we put on your credit card - What's up with that?? Don't you like us any more? John
