Thursday 24 September 2015


This morning on the boat we went out the back (and froze)
I went back in after a while to listen to the commentary as it couldn't be heard out the back, Warren stayed outside.I caught the end of her chat and then I thought that Warren would probably like morning tea to warm up when he came in. I grabbed my wallet and went to order at the bar as it was free of people ordering. I asked for two coffees and a muffin planning on sharing. The girl ran through the options, choc chip, apple banana or blueberry. I thought blueberry would be good, paid and turned to collect the coffees only to find that Warren was in front of me!
He had ordered the same except a muffin for each and was at the next counter. Luckily everyone saw the funny side of it and I was able to cancel and get my money returned.He also ordered blueberry muffins, how tragic is that?

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