Friday 11 September 2015

Strictly Ballroom (the musical)

This musical has been coming to town for awhile and I had thought about getting tickets but I didn't do anything about it. Rock on Thursday and Sheridan tells me that she has tickets to that nights show. Aidan will have to get "released" from hospital for the night. usually not a drama for the boys to leave the hospital for a few hours if they are in.

Discussing it on the way to the car after work Jordan seemed a bit stressed as he had a test the next day and wanted to study. Up shot was he stayed home, I took his ticket and went with Sheridan and Aidan.

Strictly Ballroom is an Aussie icon movie that was made in the early nineties about ballroom dancing, teaching schools and competitions. It was one of the first movies made in Austalia with Aussie actors and its a pretty good story line as well. Think a little along the lines of Dirty Dancing.

The show started at 7 pm and as Sheridan said she bought "nose bleed" seats but could see and hear everything. We did have to climb about eight flights of stairs from the car park and it was finished at 9.45, just in time to get Aidan back to his room. He was bopping along to the music and really enjoyed it. It was a bit funny to watch as every now and then there was a sentence or a saying that was typically Aussie and it caught us by surprise. It had sad bits, funny bits, lots of dance and the colours and costumes were amazing.

Tonight as I drove Jordan home, I thanked him for his ticket, I said that I would pay for it and maybe Mum would let him put that money towards his USA trip. He said that he got a lot of study done, he had maths and Soc exams today and an English assignment that needed to be handed in on Monday. End of term is looming and exams seem to be on everywhere at the moment.

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