Sunday 30 August 2015

"Dressing" the cups

Going on our picnic yesterday, I wrapped the cups in face towels. I usually pack tea towels around them ready for when they get washed up, that's when we are going camping/caravanning. Didn't need tea towels so opted for the small towels.

I hate tea and coffee in plastic cups, only use china crockery. Which brings a hassle with possible breakages. I had a thought, to make the cups their own cover, thinking esp for the caravan. I had a little green felt like fabric left over from making the cushion cover so this morning I set about it.

I measured several cups in the kitchen cupboard and decided that the length should be approx 25cms by 10 cms. Yes! I had enough to make four and I was sure that I could find enough buttons for four (ended up for three the same colour and one is blue but the size and shape are the same).

The covers should work to protect them from breaking if they happen to knock together and should help to keep the beverage hot or cold.

I needed elastic to attach the buttons to hold them around the cups. Damn! I have waist elastic which is two or three times wider than I want or I have hat elastic.Surely I have some normal size elastic, I don't want that much. I search through all my resources (I have several) finally the only place that there could possibly be some was Mum's sewing box that she gave me a few years ago.

What a mine field I don't often go there as I have enough stuff of my own but I found cotton on wooden reels, goodness knows how old they are. I really should go through it all. Just when I had about given up, in the bottom corner was a piece of elastic, exactly what I was looking for, except that it was sewn together to make a loop. Good grief, I think it was what I used to use to keep my socks up when long white socks were the thing. Again just enough if I was careful.
Here are the finished cup covers, the one in front with the elastic and button showing, great size for the glass mugs but I had forgotten that the cups are squat. At least I don't have to be concerned about breaking now only if some one drops a cup.

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