Friday 1 July 2016

Home Sweet Home

It was a welcome sight to drive into our own driveway yesterday afternoon. It was strange walking around the house but by this morning its almost as though we haven't been away.

Warren's cold has caught up to me and it was difficult to sleep last night with a blocked up nose, oh woe is me! I think I am having a pity party (probably because I know I have things to do like empty the caravan).

We did start on unpacking but it was only a small dent. Trying to unpack basket-full by basket-full and actually put away at the same time. Grr! we do have too much crap. Warren tossed out some old dvds about travelling around Australia, which we hadnt even looked at but we figured that if we missed something well too bad so in the bin they went.

A hot shower in our ensuite before bed was very enjoyable (and helped with the cold)

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