Friday 8 July 2016


I have two in the family coming up and sometimes, I really do end up with a headache over what to buy. Still have a month to ponder before the firs one is due.

Siting over breakfast, Warren informs me that I had bought his birthday earlier this morning. That was news to me, I thought I had been sleeping. He is pretty much always up before me and uses the time to read the news, check his email and face book before having a shower and getting organized for the day.

I was intrigued as to the purchase that I had made. Apparently I have bought him a football jumper in his team's colour (Hawthorn) brown and gold or as some wag put it to the CEO of the club, the wees and poos colours. It was a throw away comment that has stuck to the Hawks club.

Warren tells me that it was under my budget for birthday gifts so a win win for both of us. The second one should be a bit easier and I have six weeks to prepare.

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