Thursday 28 July 2016

An unexpected family reunion

Warren's brother lives sometimes about an hour north of here with his partner. They go between here, New Zealand and Sth Aussie. She has a motor home and they are sometimes travelling as well. They visited us about last November and now they have rented a unit for six months on the coast.

The guys arranged a visit about two weeks ago, it was our turn to visit them. Two nights ago his sister rang, she lives in Sth Australia and we dropped in to see her early February on our way west,.we dont see or hear from her very often so it was a surprise when she rang to say that she was coming to Queensland. They spoke for awhile and it was left that we would try to catch up when she was here. Her daughter and son live a further hour up the road so two hours from us.

We drove up and BIL and partner were waiting to meet us and then they walked to the car and I thought gee we must be going for a very early lunch until he drove into the airport. Sister was coming in at 11 am and apparently we were meeting here and her daughter who was coming to pick her up.

We had a coffee at the airport and went out to lunch. Not often the siblings get together so it was a nice catch up. We have also had an invite to nephew's surprise birthday party in about three weeks time. Warren and he are very close in age so that will be good. Hopefully their other sister will be able to make it as well.

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