Saturday 2 July 2016

I won, I won!

When we got home, our house sitter td me that I had received a parcel and they had put it in our bedroom. This was a surprise as I hadnt ordered anything to be delivered, so I went to see what it was.

It was quite a bit box and had Mt Romance on the side. I knew that I had seen that somewhere but coudnt place it.

A soon as I opened it I realized that it was the sandalwood factory that we visited in Esperance WA. I had bought some products and was then invited to fill in a questionnaire which if selected could win a prize, this was it.

It was called a honeymoon pack and has products for men and women, fourteen in all. Before we visited I had not used the products before but I liked it and went to another store of theirs in Broome to buy some more shampoo so it will be used for sure.

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