Thursday 7 July 2016

Its the little things.

Its amazing that after an absence, things pop out that need attention.

Warren has been up on the roof and fixed the skylight, after the heavy rains a couple of weeks, it did leak but thanks to our house sitters who put a plastic tub under it, no water got on the carpet or else where. This was the second one that warren had put into the house and it had leaked before after a heavy downfall, the first one is rock solid.

The light in the garage door lifter wasnt working, we hoped it was just a bulb and yes, that fixed that. As our car was in there, the house sitters would have rarely used the garage door but time will wear out a light.

I had washed the kitchen curtains in the last few days before leaving and they are/were lace and about ten years old. When putting them back up, I noticed that some of the material was going away so I replaced them. It was really hard to buy cafe curtains, had to go to a couple of places and even then, there was very little to choose from, not popular any more.

Removed a lot of little magnetic calendars, only need one of two.

Old fridge has been taken to the tip, fridge gave up the ghost within the first month that we were away, new one bought and the old one was put outside til we got back.

I had several boxes to go to the op shop that hadn't made it so they have now been delivered.

Warren re positioned a painting in the lounge that had been off centre since we changed the lounge room around about two years, it is now central

A couple of clocks needed new batteries to tell the correct time.

Also going through our clothes to see what we want to keep, there will be more stuff for the op shop. We have decided that we dont need all the books that we have collected over the years so either bin or op shop.

De cluttering, love it.

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