Tuesday 12 July 2016


During the last couple of weeks of our holiday, we discussed things that we wanted to do around our house.

One thing mentioned was tiling our back patio but once we have been back and looked at it, it is a big area and as we would have tiled it ourselves, it has been put on the back burner. Warren says he can just feel his knees aching by thinking about it.

First project will be the kids bedroom. we bought a tri bed a couple of years ago but the room is really too small for it and it has only been used once for two people sleeping in it.

It has become a dumping ground for excess stuff as well so the first thing is to get rid of that.

This is the tri bed.
Bed is up for sale and there are a couple of trips to the op shop.

The idea is to turn it into a TV room for the grandkids so I am making floor cushions for the kids to sit on and could be used to sleep on too if needed.

I hope to have it finalised in a month, so will see how we go.

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