Sunday 17 July 2016

Changing States

Oh wow, before we can sell the ute we need to change the registration from Northern Territory to Queensland. First thing it needs to have a road worthy certificate which an authorized person can carry out.

Warren booked it into the Jeep place, they also do Mazda, and it had to be there ar 10am as the guy would be there then, apparently he comes in special to do it but only does it there and through them.

No problems, I had some things to do at the shopping centre so I offered to pick him up after he had delivered it and we would go to the shopping centre, do my stuff, have a coffee and return giving us an hour to an hour and a half. Hah, great plans of men and mice, it was only going to take 20 minutes. At least it was ready to go when we came back.

The ute passed with flying colours and didnt need anything done to it, but $90 thank you. Warren then had to take or went to the motor registry. "Oh, things aren't as relaxed here as in NT, we need to know how much it weighs!" because it is a ute or "load carrying vehicle. Thankfully it could be done just around the corner, another $25 thank you.

Yay, now to just get the new QLD number plates. Offer up the receipt to prove that we paid for it and Bam! stamp duty! Stamp duty and six months rego wave good bye to $855.

We have now listed it on a couple of sales web sites and we hope it will sell quickly. Had interest in the first 24 hours but the next night the guy rang back to say that he really wanted it but couldn't raise the money to buy it. It was good of him to let us know and now we wait for another interested buyer.

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