Wednesday 6 July 2016


What a bugbear these are. I went out Monday afternoon and as it was my first time back driving my car, I went to pick up my keys to go. Te house sitters had left both sets of sets on the side bench and as Warren had used his, his were gone but no keys for me.

I grabbed his car key off his set and drove out, he was on the roof at the time so I didnt want to disturb him.

When I got home I asked him where were my keys, he went to te side bench and found nothing like me. A puzzled search then took place, he asked if they were in my handbag, I told me that I hadnt needed to use them so no. Finally Warren got my handbag, and after asking permission (he will never look in my bag without asking first!)looked through all the compartments. Found! then he remembered slipping them in a side pocket of my bag when he took his.

It was only the car key that was missing, so put them altogether and they are a weighty bunch.

Yesterday I was collected to go out for coffee, Warren asked if I had my keys, yes I had them, although he then went on to say that he would be home when I got back. (Our coffee mornings often turn into lunch!) 

Arrived back home and I was surprised that Warren didnt greet me at te door so I got out my keys only to find out of all of these no front door key, because door keys had been left with the house sitters. The house was locked up like fort Knox. I went to the caravan and did some sorting, stayed there until Warren came home. he had rung for a hair appointment and was able to go that afternoon.

My keys are now all together but so heavy. This is what they are, car key and locking device, ute key, bike key, caravan key, screen door key daughter's house and garage key, Two keys that I dont know what they fit, a leather thing with my name on and my red hat.

Time to culling me thinks.

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