Monday 4 July 2016


So we arrived home and the fridge, freezer and cupboards are bare. Luckily we did have enough from the caravan supplies for a meal but a trip to Costco was on the agenda to stock up.

I needed Warren to come with me to help with the load I knew I was going to get, luckily he quite likes going to Costco.

I didnt have a list or a budget but basically knew what would fill the empty spaces. I grabbed the trolley at one stage and boy, it was hard to push because of the weight in it.

We went to the canned aisles first and laundry products then did meat, not a lot of room for fresh vegetables  and fruit but they can be bought closer to home for same price.

I left Warren at the check out and went to get lunch for us, I mean really, not much beats their pizza and I was going to be very busy once home putting it away and breaking down the meat to freeze.

Warren brings the groceries in and I unpack, there is a box of cherries, I know I didnt buy cherries as I consider them an expensive fruit and as such a special treat. When Warren enters with another load, I say to him, "Cherries were not on the list!" he says "I didnt buy cherries!"

We assumed that the person behind either put them on our side of the board, possibly kids, they were on our docket so we did actually pay for them and they weren't too bad a price, same as the strawberries and we had a nice treat. $6 in the total of $653 was unnoticed. Yep, I/we spent 600 dollars on food!, everything is full though and hopefully I wont need to shop except for milk and fruit for several weeks.

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