Wednesday 29 June 2016


I saw a poster advertising the ten things not to miss, I think it was just in Queensland, one was the Cobb and Co Museum at Surat. It was the last coach run done in Queensland in 1924 and the last coach itself was there. As it was only seventy ks south of Roma, we deviated to pay a visit.
This was the restored coach.
The museum was well laid out and they had used things from the bush for display purposes.
Such as photos on windmill blades and a post and rail gate.
This is how the coach would have been hitched up with seven horses, the coach was licensed to carry 14 passengers.No women were allowed to ride next to the driver, maybe because they may have been a distraction if the wind blew their skirts! When the coaches were in full swing Cobb and Co used 6000 horses every day in their operations, I dont know how many routes they did or the cost I couldnt find that info.

Aside from the museum which just asked for a donation, in another room was a display of photographs from the Surat shooters. Such brilliant work, could have bought a framed photograph for $150. I did consider it but opted to buy a couple of postcards using scenes from the town. The population is only 500.

After the best coffee we have had on this trip, usually coffees are served too strong for my liking and need to add 2 or 3 sugars to make it palpable, this coffee was the best, we took a quick river walk and pied this town map with bronze animals around it.

The road across to Toowoomba wasn't the best, very up and down but it was bitumen and far better than the road to Carnavan Gorge.

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