Monday 18 July 2016

Is it a Scam?

Our phone rang yesterday afternoon and we dont pick it up unless we know the number and it was a Melbourne number with an 03 code. Only one person we know in Melbourne now and it wasnt him so we let the call go through to the answering machine. As expected no message left.

So many phone calls now with either people wanting money or to sell something, even though we are on the "Do not call " register, so we have a practice to leave it for the answering machine.

About five minutes later, Warren's mobile rang with the same number, again it was left. Another five minutes and his mobile went again and this time they left a message. It was Andrew from the NAB bank could we call. Hummm, this sounds a bit odd, a bank ringing on a Sunday afternoon. Is it a new scam?

Then Warren reminded me that I had just done some on-line banking with NAB. I rang the number thinking that no way am I giving bank details over the phone. It was answered as NAB bank, Andrew speaking. Made me feel a little easier and then he asked me if I had transferred an amount to such and such account, I said yes, I had. He had all the details and I didnt need to give him any just confirm that I had transferred the money.

I used to put in a code to finalize a transfer which I was given, same code. Now when transferring money, a code is sent to a mobile and that is the code to put in.

When I was doing it, Warren's mobile did ring and I was trying to enter my old code, I did it twice and on the third ring, I was annoyed with Warren's phone and took it to him outside. He looked at it and said that there was a message with a security code from NAB. I put that into my transfer and viola! the money went through. Because three security codes went to the number, it triggered the bank to contact us. I use Warren's number as he is more likely to have his phone with him. My old code had six digits and it only required five as it turned out, when I put my code in, it rejected.

I did see looking back into NAB's contacts than there had been a change back in May and this was it but I had forgotten it as I hadnt used the transfer funds thingy in that time. Relieved to know that it wasnt a scam.

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