Monday 25 July 2016

Farm Fantastic

This is held locally every year, it is similar to field days agricultural shows and the like. Its a three day event and gets very busy with lots of people are cars. Parking becomes a nightmare and even going past the place takes for ever because of the increased volume of vehicles.

We dont go every year but like to go every so often and this year we actually had something that we wanted to buy, a small water pump so that we can take the washing machine water and water the garden and lawns with it.

We went early on Friday to avoid the crowds, huh, like that was going to happen. We wandered around looking for the water pumps. Saw a tiny house and visited that after living in the caravan for six months, I dont think I could do that on a permanent basis. It did have everything but it was tiny, a person on their own it would be fine but a couple, no i don't think so, not for us anyway.

Coming past a solar display it looked intersting and after some discussions we bought a solar fountain. For Christmas last year we decided that we would get a water fountain for the garden in lieu of buying each other a gift and that we would look into in once we had done our trip.

Needed an electrician to put in a switch outside and then buy the fountain which we had costed at about $200 to $250. A solar fountain does not need electricity and plus it was much less than the water feature that we had been considering.

We ony need a base for the fountain to go in now. We ended up not finding our wter pump but Warren does know where he can get one so all is not lost and we saved ourselves some money in the meantime. Hummm, I wonder what I can spend those savings on, I will have to think.

Getting te fountain up and running is what we are labelling Project two.

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