Sunday 10 July 2016

The cost break down of our trip.

Finally got the caravan emptied, trouble is finding places for the excess to go, still have a find a home for a few bits and pieces.

I worked out what we spent!!!

We were away for 175 days and I kept a tally of what we spent and it averaged out at $748.56 per week or $18714, not much if said quickly.

We stayed in caravan parks the whole trip except for a farm stay at Roma, cost was from $20 a night, not many of those and the dearest one was $58 a night at Warrnambowl Victoria.

We travelled 25,678 kms using the two cars, I guess we did about 400 kms as well in the hire car while we had it.

Average fuel costs per litre was approx $1.34, haven't worked that out exact but fuel prices were pretty good considering some of the places that we visited. Cheapest was in the Adelaide hills and was 97.9 per litre and the dearest was in country Victoria at $1.57. Fuel was around $1.22/25 and our milage average 12lts per 100ks. The jeep had a read out to say what the milage (or litreage)was but not so the ute, had to do old school.

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