Monday 25 July 2016


The ute has been sold as well. We thought that the ute would have been easier  to sell but as it turned out the caravan went first and then the ute but both in the same week.

Te back yard now looks a little bare and some areas of the "lawn" is also very bare from where Maggie the caravan sat when not being used.

We have some work to do out there, (project three) and then we will re turf it and hopefully make it look pretty again with lawn all the way.

Project three involves fixing the gate, it had to be made wider to accommodate the van and now it can revert to just a six foot gate, moving some bricks and re-turfing. A load went to the tip today with some other rubbish and tree branches that Warren had trimmed.

The Bougainvillea is doing quite well although we did find pieces of it up a tree and over the back fence so some pruning required.

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