Friday 22 July 2016

A Disaster!

Last weekend before we went on the massive walk, I booked a motel room for me to wait. Did it over the internet like normal, with credit card no worries there.

As we met the others so early at 10am and they didnt need or couldnt register until 11.30 am, the thing to do was go and get a coffee. All five of us piled into my car and we headed off to find a place selling coffee that was not too crowded.

Maccas was the first place and we pulled in there. I went to pull my wallet out, damn, no wallet. Then it hit me, I had my wallet out at the computer when I booked the motel. Oh hell, cant buy coffee and even worse cant produce card when I book into the motel later that afternoon.

Mind goes into overdrive, home was two hours away so i could drive back and pick it up although it would be a long turn around. Warren comes to the rescue and gives me his card, after he paid for coffee. Then he kept testing me on what his pass code was for his card.

I didn't have a cent on me and didn't want to use it in a shop so I went to an ATN first and got money out. I explained at the motel that it wasn't the card that I booked with but it was the same account. They weren't fussed at all.

Luckily,  I had started to carry my drivers license tucked into my phone so I did have that, although it is many many years since I have been asked to show my license. Even when stopped for a random breathe test, they dont seem to ask for license. Anyway disaster averted.

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