Friday 29 July 2016

Floor cushions/pillows

I have made these in the last week or so.

These are for Project one. The two smaller ones on the right are just one piece and the one on the left is four pillow cases stitched together and then pillows inserted. This will make it easier to wash if and when they need it. I am thinking for sleeping purposes, it may need another one added. The one I saw had one pillow doubled under the others to make a type of back to it. For now this will be the sitting/seating/lying arrangement for the "new" room. We will probably buy a small chair as well.

Apparently it was going to be too awkward and costly to get a TV port in there and thees not much on TV anyway when the kids would be here so we are just going with putting a TV with DVD in there. Heaven knows, we do have plenty of those.

Some-one in the area was looking for a chest of drawers to use as a baby cupboard and so we delivered it to her, we were going to take some excess furniture to the opp shop. It saved one step and as she wanted it now, meant that we got rid of it now. One piece of furniture from the room gone.

We are in the process of emptying the filing cabinet, most of the paperwork can be thrown out or shredded, it's just a matter of getting in there and doing it. I did a load the other day, it feels good to dispatch of stuff but some of it is our history so stop and read, it does take awhile.

I was given a teddy bear a a going away present from one of my jobs, it has moved with us several times and it is time it moves on, I dont keep in touch with anyone from that work and I did think at the time, a teddy bear? really? I got the feeling that even though I had worked with most of them for three or four years that a teddy bear wasn't the most suitable gift.

There is an empty box in the room so I will fill it with excess blankets and linen and with the teddy bear take it to the Salvo's.

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