Friday 27 March 2015

The Croods

I think that is how its spelt. A few nights ago TV program were not inviting and we wanted something to watch. The first movie we selected wouldnt play so we picked the next one. It was called The Croods. We had no idea what it was about and we thought we would put it on and see, after all if it was no good, we could turn it off.

As it starts to play Dreamworld came up and we realised that it was probably a kids movie and done by Dreamworld so should be alright.

Ten minutes into it and I said to Warren "Should we turn it off?" "No Way" he said "This is pretty funny!" so it was.

It wa about a family set in caveman times and how they survived, it was quite stereotyped with the Gran living with them, the older brother who just went long with whatever, the teenage girl who was a rebel and the youngest child who caused lots of dramas.

So many references to life now for instance, they were travelling one time and every one was given a shell to call for help, the way that it was done made you think about mobile phones given to kids now to call home.

It was a really good movie thats a keeper.

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