Sunday 1 March 2015

My "nothing soup"

Last week I bought a ready cooked chicken as the girls wanted chicken sandwiches which I made and we took for a picnic lunch. The bones and stuffing of the chook, I wrapped it and put it into the freezer.

Yesterday while cleaning the fridge, there were some pieces of vegetables that needed using or binning so out came the chicken and the slow cooker. It was a hot day so I prepped it and then put it outside to cook, therefore it didn't heat up the kitchen.

Come dinner time, I grilled some cheese on toast to have with the soup, brilliant! "Free" meal and easy. Now we have lunch for today as well as one pot for the freezer.

I have set myself another challenge for the month as my pantry is like walking into a minefield and the freezer is pretty full. I belong to a forum and they talk a lot about having $21 weeks. This is only feeding the family on $21. Of course this is not long term but more to think outside the box and use what is on hand.

I hope to have all $21 weeks in March, I will have the fruit and Vegetables delivered as usual each fortnight.  So far the only thing on the shopping list is Warren's muesli.

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