Sunday 1 March 2015

A strange request

Last week I rang a friend of mine and asked to borrow something of theirs. She laughed and said that it was the strangest request she had heard for some time but said yes.

One of the first things the girls (our young visitors) asked us was did we have a dog. We said no and they were so disappointed as they thought everybody in Australia had a pet dog. I told them that I could probably get a dog to visit hence my phone call. Warren went and picked up Pokey (the dog)
This is Tina sitting and Lilly and Pokey. Lucy the youngest girl did not want anything to do with the dog. Pokey stayed for about half an hour and demonstrated the doggie door that we have in our screen door. The girls couldn't believe that there is such a thing. I drove him back home and he sits down in the foot well while being driven and doesnt look to move until his door is opened for him. They do have a seat belt for him for long trips.

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