Monday 2 March 2015


First of March was yesterday and therefore it is Autumn. We were enjoying our afternoon coffee on the back patio and I noticed this.
One lonely flower bud on Max's tree. We call it Max's tree as she is buried under there. Max was our little dog that we found abandoned, cold, starving and scared. (Max spent the next fifteen years living with us) The tree was a bit like her when we put it in with no name, hence Max's tree.
I did find a couple more flowers and it will continue to flower and in a few days we will have hoards of parrots visiting to get the nectar.
Another tree in our back yard which loves the rain and sun that we have been having. Two branches are almost touching the ground and we will need to do something about soon. It does make a nice canopy over the trailer though for the moment.

The excess water and then hot sun has put paid to one of my egg plants though, it was the younger one and has turned up its toes. The older more established one is still doing strong and producing three or four fruits a week.I use it like mushrooms.

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