Tuesday 31 March 2015

Heart Sisters

I belong to a forum that I check into most days and there is an off shoot from that called heart sisters which I joined.

Some of the members are stay at home mums or single mums or people on their own. The idea is to be in contact with another member on regular basis, usually once a month.

Two people set it up and matched people that have similar interests and so forth. Its contact so could be a written letter, a small gift or just something to let them know that some one is thinking about them.

This is the first year that I have been involved and I get a bit of a kick out of it. It does seem difficult at first to write to someone that you dont know although I got a fairly good profile about my person and we have quite a lot in common.

I get writing away and then sign off and its hard to remember not to write my name as it is anon.
Through the forum once they have received communication, they usually make a comment regarding the communication.

I wrote a little early for April as we will be holidaying but I didnt want my heart sister to miss out.

Last month from my heart sister (different person) I received a cheery letter about her and her daughter and some crochet made hearts for Valentines day.  It arrived just before VD and as we dont celebrate it it was nice to get something like that. I havent crocheted in years but I will have a go at making some myself.

Its possible that I wont be able to access my blog which will be a bummer but I will be keeping notes and will blog about what we get up to while away after we get back. So looking forward to new adventures and returning to old places too.

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