Saturday 14 March 2015

On a mission

I knew that I needed to go and buy some more ginger sauce and pick up some gifts which meant a trip up the highway. Warren knew that meant coffee and scones for him. We left in time for morning tea up there. First port of call was The Skin Thing what a name for a retail place who says that they don't advertise, they are on the main highway and display several skin that can be seen for quite awhile. We first visited a couple of years ago to buy Ugg boots for a friend.

Warren loves moccasins and I had said that when his old one wore out, that would be the place to go. I was hoping that they would have some small items made of skins but boots, mats and moccasins were the main things. We have the fans on and Warren has his shirt off as its hot but I do note that his new moccasins are firmly in place on his feet.

On to the opal place, nice stuff but too pricy for me although we did walk out with a small bag. Finally we reached our destination and it was close enough for lunch. We shared a burger and fries as we had to have room for the ginger scones, ginger marmalade and cream.

I made most of the purchases that I planned for, when one wants something made in Australia that is useful, light, will travel well and not break the bank (as I did have quite a few on my list)that's quite a task.

My bank card did get a bit of a work out but satisfied with the days shopping EXCEPT we looked for our favourite ginger sauce, we couldn't find it. I asked at the counter and was told that it had been discontinued!!!!Each trip we would buy six bottles, they did have a bottle or two on the other counter and I asked if I could buy the lot. yes, I was told and she located three!
The above is one of the last bottles in existence apparently. I also bought some ginger tea as I am finding that even drinking decaf coffee seems to be keeping me awake. So I will try this for a hot drink.

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