Monday 9 March 2015


The kids (students) made concrete on Thursday using different mixtures. Two groups made the recommended recipe and the others made a variation. They mixed in and poured the mixture into a take away container. Science was on again on Friday and after a bit of writing we all trooped outside to test the creations.

The test was to drop it from a certain height, kids stood on a table and then held it another metre. First one smashed to smithereens and the others were better and only broke in two or three pieces. What fun!

I don't remember doing fun things like that when I went to school. These were year sevens,

The following lesson was science again this time with the year eights, same teacher and it was experimenting with dry ice.  I was a bit worried about kids grabbing the ice and burning themselves but it went off without a hitch. We did blow up a couple of balloons, made smoke and a couple of little bombs using a film canister.

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