Sunday 29 March 2015

High Tea

Friday lunch time I went to a high tea at school. It was organized by year 12 students who are doing home Ec as we used to call it, now I think it is HPE.

The cost was $10 and we were greeted at the door by one student and then shown to to a table by another who offered a choice of drinks. Sheridan and I both chose to have a coffee frappe and it was good.

All students were dressed in black pants with white chefs jackets and they looked quite smart if a little stressed as they had been cooking and now they were serving to some of their teachers.

Once the tables filled there were four to a table, the food was brought out on fancy two tier stands.
Sandwiches were cut into threes and no crusts were seen at all a savory scone and then some sweet stuff, my favourite was a tiny melting moment. That would be the one thing that I would chose over anything else and I must admit it was a good MM. Although the icing was probably a little "wet" it had not had time to dry out.

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