Sunday 22 March 2015

The Annual Easter Egg Hunt

For about the last four years we have had an Easter Egg hunt for the grandkids. This year I bought colour coded packets not realized that the colours reflected the flavours. at least two kids enjoy the "hunt" more than the actual eggs and chocolate. The kids are allocated a colour to find so its fair for all.

Once again I over catered and so today Warren and I are eating left overs which includes quite a few prawns! For lunch we had half a dozen prawns and salad and will probably have the same for dinner with an Easter egg or two thrown in.

I was able to buy some prawns a couple of weeks ago so we had prawns, sausages (I bought bread and rolls as I thought the kids would eat them in a roll but no they didn't), chicken wings which I marinated as they didn't have any prepared and I also made a pizza,

Sausages and chicken are cooked on the BBQ which saves me a job, very easy dessert, ice cream on a stick and/or hot cross buns, only way to go. I have now got a few empty spots in the freezer but nowhere near being able to turn it off.

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