Saturday 28 March 2015


My GF showed me her pantry a couple of weeks ago, she had spent some time tidying it and there were all these neat rows of tins and containers. Yep, I love my pantry to look like that.

I did ask Warren to tidy ours and while he does most things in the house, he told me that it was my domain and he didnt want to go near it (except to find more milk when he needs it)

At my daughters last week and I helped get the school lunches, opening the pantry to find some snack food and Oh My Goodness, her pantry no longer looks like mine. It was nice and neat.

I did feel envious but its a big job! Lying in bed this morning, I thought that I should/could/would do something about it. Fifteen minutes after breakfast, I had head down and bum up and now I can say that I do have one half a shelf tidy.

Its looking that good that I just might spent another fifteen minutes as I don't have to cook dinner tonight. Maybe just maybe I might have it looking okay to have the pantry open if anyone comes to visit, now it is firmly kept shut.

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