Monday 9 March 2015

New Curtains

A catalogue came in the post a few days ago from Spotlight, I hadn't opened it until the weekend and even then I hummed and harred over opening it or just throwing it in the bin. I didn't really like to throw it so decided to see what was in there. Oh my was I glad that I did as they had 20 to 40% off curtains.

I wanted new ones to finish off the lounge but was prepared to wait for sales and here it was! I asked Warren to measure the window and then told him why and asked if he wanted to come and see what they had. I had decided that chocolate brown would complement the carpet and new lounge suite. Warren hates shopping and so I was surprised when he said he would come.

We checked out fabric first, I wanted curtains that threaded not the pull type one with the cords. Warren saw one that he liked, it was nice but grey and white, I didnt think that it would fit in. It was $49 a metre, oh boy it was going to be expensive.

We wandered over to the ready made and settled on a pair that was a linen mocha and no work for me. needed to buy another rod, ends and the thinghy for the rod to sit on.

Warren set to work as soon as we got home and within an hour we had new curtains hanging and we had saved $84. I know that because the docket told me, Warren remarked that we could have saved an extra $125 if we hadn't replaced the curtains.

The lounge room having a make over for less than $2000, is pretty good I thought. New (secondhand) TV unit, new lounge suite, revamped clock, changed a painting to suit and finally new curtains to top it off.

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