Monday 23 March 2015

"I kissed the cat!"

We had to be up early on Sunday morning to take the boys to soccer, leaving home at 7.10am. Warren got up at usual time around six and started coughing and he thought that he had picked up a cold. I expected him to stay home and go back to bed but he had breakfast and took a cold tablet.

because of that and him not feeling the best he asked me to drive, not a problem but he normally drives when we go somewhere. Set off and got through the first two sets of lights without having to stop and this continued. Warren has a saying, well two actually, one is when he gets the lights going his way is "I must have kissed a cat" if the several lights go against it is "Must have kicked the cat this time." I have no idea where there sayings come from and neither does he and its/they are only used while driving.

I drive to our daughter each morning that I work and its takes me about 50 minutes, Sunday I had to do the same at roughly the same time and it took me only 35 minutes, there are approx twelve sets of lights and only one that I had to pull up and wait.

Warren couldn't believe that the lights were so good to me, it was the same driving home as well. BTW we don't own a cat although he is feeding one atm, we think one of our neighbours moved and either didn't take the cat or it run away. he slips some food out onto the patio as he wouldn't like to see it starve.

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