Tuesday 3 March 2015


We went to the farm to see the cows.
Millie is the token cow that is milked and patted by the visitors. The tour guide showed everyone how to milk her by hand and then asked anyone if they wanted a taste, those who did taste were surprised how warm the milk was. We then moved on to feeding a two week old calf, there were two of them but one was not interested at all.
Lily and Tina sharing feeding the calf.
Lucy was scared of the animals and would only come into the yard with me, she ended up holding the bottle for the calf but that was all.
Two friendly goats were there as well and there was pellets for them to feed from hands, the girls were that keen on that as they nibbled
Collecting eggs and feeding chooks
The cows go into two rows with the workers in a trough, after we saw the milking, it was back to wash up and then taste their wares. Chocolate milk, yoghurts and custard, very very yummy!

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