Tuesday 24 March 2015

Dragon's Blood

I was reminded today of why we don't watch Daytime TV. We do like to watch "The Chaser" if we are home and think to turn it on. The Chaser is a British quiz show and I like to think that it is good for the mind. Its our afternoon break when I am home.

Today I was sewing and finished a particular piece a little earlier than expected, instead of going on with some thing else, I made coffee and got some afternoon tea ready to watch and try to come up with some answers.

Turning on the TV at about 2.50pm, there was a home grown Talk show on discussing some ground news like they do and then they went for a commercial within the program.

Its brand name was DRAGON'S BLOOD, I thought I had misheard but no they said it again Dragon's Blood!" One of the things they said was that it has been reported in Vogue, giving the impression that it just has to be good!

Warren and I missed most of the commercial because we were laughing so much and making comments about Dragon's Blood. I dont know if one rubs it on or swallows it, not even sure what it is supposed to do, make your feel good, look good or keep cancer at bay.

Next week I will wait until 3 o'clock before the turn the TV on!

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