Monday 9 March 2015

No phone!

Our home phone has decided to give up the ghost. What a pain. We don't use it that much anyway BUT internet computers!!!! eck!how can we survive?

We have this little device that we bought to take when we go away in the caravan, not cheap but much cheaper than park fees for wifi. It was $29 and that included 1 gb of data, $30 a month after that. When Les was in hospital, Warren would take it and the laptop when he visited him and he paid $50 for two months, we also used it for two trips away. Then we decided to pay $200 for a full year and the data was 2GB and it rolls over. In hindsight it was a very good thing to do as that is what we are using now.

Phone we can do without but internet is a bit more difficult to be without, just thinking of all those emails to wade through after ten days if we couldn't check them every day.

Yep, its going to be ten days before a techie from Telstra can get here.

Warren thought that he would give me a night off cooking an suggested fish and chips for dinner. He asked me to ring and order and he would walk down and pick it up. I searched for the magnet on the fridge and got the phone before I realized that I could ring, reached for the mobile which is a bit hit and miss in the house. Too much hassle so we drove to Maccas instead.

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