Tuesday 17 March 2015

Lamb Shanks

As a kid these were used to make soup but recently they have appeared on pub menus and other eateries. I saw a pack of two awhile ago and thought I would have them as a change. The last night we went to a pub for a meal with SIL, he ordered lamb shanks and was served two with mash and gravy and it was about $25.

I bought the two in a pack for $7, of course I had to cook the little devils. One look at them and I realised that they were not going to fit in the slow cooker. It was the oven in the roasting tray

I added some roast vege and gravy, yum, definitely got the 5/2 today as there were six vege and we had grapes and a plum as part of lunch, winner. trouble is there is nothing left over for my lunch tomorrow.

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