Monday 30 June 2014

The morning blues

Snuggled up in bed I was this morning when Warren nudges me and says "That's your alarm", I didn't even hear it. As I didn't have to get out of bed this morning, it wasn't by my bed. I stumbled out of bed to find it. My phone is my alarm clock and it will continue to go off and get louder each time so I knew I needed to find it and turn it off. My handbag was in the kitchen and my phone was inside, as it was a little chilly out from under the covers, I grabbed it and hurried back to bed. Couldn't turn the damned thing off, why? because I have a cover on the phone which is plastic and the plastic had become hard with the cold.

I had to remove the cover to turn the alarm off of course by this time I am almost fully awake and it was only 6.13am. Last week I had to get up at this time to have enough time to leave for work, silly me forgot that the alarm was set for each work day morning.

Fixed that problem and hunkering down for a bit more sleep and Warren is talking to me (unlike me, he wakes wide awake around six every morning, with or without an alarm) then his alarm goes off at 6.30am and the news comes on the radio. Arrrgh! more noise, I just need/want a little bit more sleep.

I did get a little doze in and then decided to get up as my sleep-in had been shot to pieces. Warren left for tennis at eight and I have done the washing, cleaned the kitchen, checked my emails and now the morning is mine to do as
I wish. Fresh orange juice from our tree for breakfast, the above photo was taken a few days ago (afternooon tea last week) but I did squeeze some for brekkie this morning as well as I had time to do it .
This is our orange tree with heaps of oranges as you can see, they are very juicy and sweet this year

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