Thursday 26 June 2014

Come on Lights

Due to certain circumstances our youngest grandson is spending the night with us tonight. I picked him up after school where he asked if I could take him to Coles to get something to eat. Coles is just across the road but I would have had to move the car etc etc and I wanted to start for home so I suggested that we stop at the next township. He agreed which was lucky as he really didn't have a choice, it was my way or none.

Half way there, he asks if it was where he went to kinder and I said yes whereupon he said, "There's a nice bakery there" see, definitely our grand kid.

He directed me to the bakery and we bought cheese and bacon rolls and a drink, then he sees a croissant.  and asked if he could have one of those instead, I said yes and we bought both. last week I had bought him a croissant at a coffee shop and he really liked it. We set off for home and there is this sigh from the car seat and an exclamation, "There's no ham in here!" "No" I told him "Its a plain croissant" "But I wanted ham and cheese like last time" "Too bad, you asked for a croissant and that's what you got, so eat it please." Grudgingly I got an "okay"

All was quiet for a while and then a voice said, "Nanna, I've finished can I play on your phone please" "No, I'm driving so cant get it for you" "When you stop?" "Won't be stopping until we get home" Silence! Should have just said no but six year olds can twist things to suit.

Heading to lights and the same voice says 'yes,yes, come on" What are you talking about/" "Nothing!" the lights change and I sailed through them. heading for a turn to the left again I didn't have to stop. "Why did we turn?Nana" "Because this is the way to go home." Then it dawned on me what he was doing, he was trying to will the lights to go red so that I would have to stop!

Four more lights and I didn't have to stop, the voice tone went from Come on (pleadingly) to a very strong Come on (as in you have to be joking) on the sixth set of lights, he was in luck and I had to stop, so I grabbed my phone out of my bag and passed it over the back. The rest of the way home it was quiet except for shooting noises and the occasional Arrhg, when he missed one.  Maybe I should try "willing" lights to stay green when I am in a hurry, I cant remember the last time I got six lights in a row when I didn't need to stop.

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