Saturday 14 June 2014


While catching up on computer stuff last night, I read a recipe to make apple crumble which sounded good and easy to make. I probably have made it in the past but who knows where the recipe is or even if I had one.

I knew there were some small apples in the crisper than probably were not going to be eaten, they come in the fortnightly fruit and vege box that I have delivered. I confess to being an apple snob, I only eat Pink Lady apples and of course they are usually the most expensive.

Anyway back to dessert
I took the small apples, peeled and sliced them and cooked in a small amount of water, just enough to stop them sticking to the pan. Meanwhile I melted a teaspoon of butter added some brekkie cereal (recipe said oats but we add our add and muesli together and so there are oats, sultanas,coconut and some nuts)and a spoon or two of powered milk. Supposed to bake in the oven but for two small bowls, was it worth heating the oven, no so two minutes in the microwave. I added a dollop of yoghurt on top (after I took the pic, I added a passion fruit to each as well) so there was definitely our two serves of fruit for the day.

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