Tuesday 17 June 2014


I was chopping vegetables at hte weekend and while I have lots of knives, complete with knife block, these as pictured are my favourites.
The one on the top is my all time favourite and it has been used for just about everything. It has a wooden handle which is getting very worn due to use and the dishwasher butt considering it was part of a wedding gift and we have been married over forty years, then I guess it is entitled to be showing some age.

The cleaver on the bottom was a buy that I made in China after doing a cooking class and this was used to chop the food as well as transferring the food to the wok. I use it but only for big amounts and it makes a fantastic pizza cutter. It has English and Chinese writing on it.

The middle one is the one that I am using more and more now, it is one piece of steel and has a story to it. Last year when we were in China, every twenty yuan spent buying food at a certain store, you were given a stamp, as we bought imported yoghurt, the money soon toted up (20yuan was equal to approx $4). Once a sheet was filled with the stamps, you could exchange them for some type of knife, I selected this one and bought it home packed in the suitcase of course. It is a beautifully weighted knife and easy to use, luckily I have not cut myself with it as it is very sharp

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