Tuesday 24 June 2014

Baby lambs

I went to Agriculture science yesterday with a student and while we were there, one of the farm support guys came to the class and said that there had been new lambs born and would the students like to see them. I had not been to the farm before so off we set, up a hill thru a water course another hill and finally after about 300 hundred metres we arrived at the "farm".

It is a couple of paddocks behind the playing fields of the school and there were some sheep with new lambs, the oldest was two weeks old and the others had been born in the last few days, two that morning.

The kids were ecstatic about seeing such young lambs and couldn't get over the size of them. One asked why the newest one was sleeping, poor thing had been delivered in the last two hours and had been drinking when we first got there and of course was a bit tuckered out after having a feed.

Just think i am getting paid for this!

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