Sunday 1 June 2014

Three generations of bike riders

Today we went south of Brisbane to a bike ride, usually we go for the weekend but these particular rides are only for one day. The place is about a hundred and thirty kms from home or an hour and forty minutes. Even though the bike is registered

and warren spoke about riding it there, I just think that's too much in one day, ride there then ride on the tracks and back home again.

The options are to put the bike on the trailer which is at Chris' or load up the camper trailer with its bar on the front to hold the bike. I wanted to take the camper as then, those of us who don't ride have some shelter, I won.

Bike strapped to the front of the camper.
 Eight year old grandson has his own bike and is a keen and careful rider. He has only ridden on the pee wee course before, some kids on there look about five, usually they are between four and ten.

Father and son went on the open track which was about twelve kilometres and J, oldest son in the middle says to me "You need to tell your husband....." he paused and I asked what do I need to tell him. J then said in a rush "That hes 63!" he went on to tell us how he got left in the dust! Apparently Warren was quite a bit
faster and J couldn't catch him. Then the boys all went on the novice track and had D riding between them, he had a ball but all three were pretty tired packing up. It costs $35 for adult rider and $10 for kids, the track is open from 8.30am until 3 o'clock, pretty cheap day out of course then there is getting there. I pack lunch and as we had the van there, we could make coffee. I even had a short sleep inside while they were out. Not a quiet day though as lots of bikes revving and accelerating and today there were lots of cow pats to avoid while walking around.

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