Saturday 28 June 2014

So many clothes

I do have heaps of clothes and two years ago just before going back to China for another year, I know that I bought extra "to take to China" as there was very little that I could buy there to fit me. Many of the extras that I bought didn't make the "cut" to take to China because of weight restrictions.

When I was first asked to do the five week relief work, my thoughts turned to clothes, what should I wear? I had set myself a challenge for the year of not buying any clothes as I didn't need any more. I did buy two pairs of boots, why two pairs? because I couldn't decide on between a black pair (more serviceable) or a suede burgundy pair, the price was ten bucks each so what the hell, I bought both. The burgundy one I have worn once but I have had quite a few wears from the black ones.

After two weeks I realised that I hadn't worn the same shirt/top so i wondered if I could continue and yes I could, as i worked four and a half weeks, that's twenty three days, really I must have too many clothes. Although to be fair (trying for a bit of justification here)the days were still warmish at the start and so short sleeved shirts were fine but needed something with long sleeves for the last couple of weeks.

Thankfully the three cardigans that I had made for me in China have made an appearance as well as I was starting to think they were a waste of money but where else would I have got cardigans made to fit (in cashmere)at an affordable price?

My many scarves also got quite a bit of use too,  so maybe I should continue my no buying clothes for next year as well.

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