Saturday 21 June 2014

$2000 a year to be saved off your electricity bill

This was a news item that was on the ads on TV a couple of night ago. Warren wanted to change channels and look at something else but I persuaded him to wait to see what they had to say about saving on electricity.

A professor had made this statement and had the figures to back it up, hummmm, how? I wondered.

First up was turn off the pool in winter saving s $200, we don't have one.
Next turn off second fridge another $200 saved, we don't have one.
That second TV, get rid of it and save $150, we don't have one.

There were a few other things such as the above so bit pointless for us. The last two things we could do and one was, instead of ten minute showers restrict them to four minutes and save $150 and turn off appliances at the wall for a savings of $80 a year.

I did set myself a challenge and that was to cut our electricity bill by 25% (even I thought it was high but figured it was just a ball park figure). Our three monthly account came in sometime in March and it was $382, wow! for just two of us and we have solar panels! Some times I speak without thinking (I know that's hard to believe!) and after, I did think 25% was way too much.  

Anyway, I started washing earlier and turning off lights, cooking two things in the oven at once, even had a few days of filling the flask with hot water for cuppas during the day rather than boil the jug again. This week the second electricity arrived and it was for a small sum of $237 a whooping $145 off the first bill.

I did a happy dance but I don't think I can lay claim for all of it, after all the weather has turned cooler and therefore we are not using the A/C at all but whatever a $237 account is far better than $382. I wonder if I can get it lower for the next bill, hummmm something to work on.

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